We are all too often aware now of the health benefits of many foods, they can raise our iron level, lower our blood pressure, even make us see in the dark and put hairs on our chest (ok the last two didn’t work for me but we can but hope).
For some time now I’ve been trying to get into learning about the positive way in which certain foods can benefit your health. The first time I dipped my toe in the water was with Turmeric and hot water, “Yuck” I hear you exclaim… well wait a minute! It’s really not that bad, I remember watching Madhur Jaffrey on Saturday Kitchen saying how wonderful Turmeric was. When she had her ears pierced she put it on the hole to stop it getting infected. She went on to say other benefits so I looked it up. Because I am on a form of ventilation in the night I sometimes suffer with bloatedness (ok now we’re really getting to know each other 😉 . I read somewhere that Turmeric helps to ease this and can settle upset stomachs so that’

Some time ago I had a scare with my blood pressure, I was on lots of committees at the time and doing lots of community work so you’d expect it to be up (or I would anyway). The doctor told me they wanted me to go on blood pressure medication, now before you read any further I’m not a medic, expert in health food or a witch doctor, I, like millions of us out there know my body. I didn’t feel the need to take the medication, it was a phase I was going through and knew it would pass.
I was watching The Great British Food Revival on the BBC one day and watched Antonio Carluccio’s section of the programme which was on beetroot. I’d always been a fan of beetroot, but Antonio was advocating drinking the juice… yuck I hear you cry! Well stop it, it’s lovely (and yes, it really is lovely I’m not being paid to say it). I did some research and found out that you can buy it by the carton from Tesco and Asda, it’s called Beet-It and you can find out more about it here. I’m not claiming it to be some miracle cure but it tastes good and I feel better for taking it.

The next thing on my lotions and potions list hot water, honey, lemon and ginger. As you know I suffer with my chest and quite often get bunged up. I was nosing at a conversation taking please between the lovely Shelina Permalloo and the equally lovely lisa faulkner. Lisa was undertaking some voice over work and had a scratchy voice, Shelina recommended honey and ginger tea. I’ve added the lemon to this mix because it tastes nice.

Out of all the lotions and potions I take this is probably the one I use the most and I find it does give me a little pick me up. It could be psychological but I really feel it does work. Thanks to both Shelina and Lisa for their help

I suppose my final thoughts on all this are that while going to the doctor and getting medical assistance is paramount there are other alternatives out there. Go to your local health food shop, look online or alterativley buy a book 🙂
The featured image for this post was taken my my niece Alice. Alice is studying out in France at the moment and took this photograph of a spice stall in a French Market for me check her blog out here.
Coming up on the weekend we’ve got Strictly Supper #5 which is a good one! Fancy something a little bit spicy, yes, and you’re looking for something to eat tonight, why not try Leftover Chicken Tikka Masala. Or if you are looking for quick and easy, well the Authentic Curry Company’s Chicken Tikka Masala is fantastic.
In the words of a famous Mr P. Pig “That’s All Folks”