This is the new feature I’ll be running on Wheelie Good Meals, it will alternate with Time-Saving Tuesdays.
What is Waste Not Want Not Wednesdays
Waste Not Want Not Wednesdays comes from my Grandmother she used to say Waste Not Want Not all the time, it was also a saying that Reverend Timms used to say on Postman Pat… sad I know!
As a nation we generate so much food waste it’s unbelieveable, I haven’t long recently cleared out some jars and bottles that were out of date. Spurred on by the needless waste, I thought it was time to look in to this whole problem in more detail. I recently read that the United Kingdom tops the European Union’s food waste charts.
We often get confused by the different dates that can be found on food packaging “Use By” “Best Before” and “Display Until” , if like me you are unsure visit this website here.
This week’s recipe
As you know my sister, brother-in-law and I cooked for my mother and his mother, we served Gazpacho as one of our starters, here’s how I made it, the full article that I based my recipe on can be found here
Mother’s Day Gazpacho

The ingredients are easy they included peppers, tinned tomatoes, fresh tomato, lazy garlic, bread, cucumber, Sweet Muscatel Vinegar and olive oil.

Place the slices of bread in a dish with enough water and leave it for twenty minutes, you can bypass that step but the article suggested it was a good idea, who was I to argue.

Chop up the peppers and the cucumber, as we’re going to blitz it don’t chop it too small, but chop it small enough to allow the blender to bitz them up.

Place them in the blender jug and set aside for later,

Chop up the tomato and put in the jug with the peppers and cucumber, the original recipe says to 1 KG of tomatoes but I didn’t have that many fresh tomatoes – I have added this one for freshness, but I’ll use tinned tomatoes later on.

Next add 2 teaspoons of lazy garlic, you could use two garlic cloves or garlic powder.

To the blender add 100ml of olive oil, excuse the mess, you’ll notice the silver container on the left – that’s what I use to keep my rubbish in. Because of easy access I keep all my peels, seeds etc in the silver container close to me on the table.

Add the tin of tomatoes and then blitz, you can do lots of things at this point, you can add herbs, tobacco sauce, Worcester sauce, or some dry mixed herbs but…… yep you’ve guessed it I kept to the original recipe.

Take the bread and ring the water out of them, then rip the slices into chunks and add to the blender – and blitz

Season and then blitz again, season with salt and pepper, I like to add a bit more pepper than most people…. as you can see… but that’s personal taste.

Add 2 tablespoons of the vinegar and stir through, you can blitz it up again to ensure that the vinegar and seasoning is distributed throughout the soup. Once you’ve made it sieve it to make sure it looks smooth, you’ll be surprised how much this makes and it can be frozen or kept in the fridge for a couple of days.

We served this with lots of little garnishes, tiny slices of cucumber and spring onions and tiny diced peppers and croutons. There are lots of garnishes that you can use, but this is what the recipe recommended, credit to Graham for his amazing knife skills… puts mine to shame.

Here it is in all its glory, served with garnishes. Don’t write it off, I know it’s cold soup and you’re probably thinking yuck… but please don’t it’s refreshing, light, zingy and great as a starter especially on a warm day. Heather’s espresso cups are awesome, I’m quite jealous, we were going to serve them in a shot glass, but this added a level of class. To read more about our Mother’s day meal 2016, visit here.

What’s next?
This feature will be looking at food waste, using left over products, products that are on the edge of their date and much more. What do you think I should include, give me your thoughts? Remember to get in touch, you can visit our social media pages below, or subscribe to the blog for regular updates.
Thanks for stopping by, see you on the weekend for more 6 Nations of food…. come on Wales!