Well I’ve been blogging now for over a month and I’m really enjoying it. I didn’t realise however that there was so much to learn – but I’m getting there slowly and I’m really enjoying it in the process. I’m doing a lot of reading, of other blogs and of websites such as http://www.foodies100.co.uk/. I’m currently […]
Author: wheelie38
“Quick and Easy Mid Week Pan Fried Salmon and Creamy Spelt”
As I’ve said in earlier posts my sister (Heather) is often the source for my inspiration when it comes to creating dishes. For Christmas Heather and her family bought me a packet of Ainsley Harriott’s Creamy Spelt. Now I didn’t know a lot about Spelt so I “googled it” (my sister loves to google so […]
Measurements, do we really need them?
I tend not to use a lot of specific measurements in my cooking (as you’ve probably noticed) it’s more done by look, feel, smell and most importantly taste. But, naturally, recipes on the interweb do have measurements on them and a lot of them are confusing because they use the different formats – especially in […]
Fuss Free Bolognese Sauce
This recipe what I would call one of my mothership recipes, once you’ve mastered this (and trust me it won’t take long) you can make a number of different dishes. This recipe will be suitable for: · Lasagne, · Chilli Con Carne · Canelloni · Bolognese The recipe I use is as easy as it […]
“Schwartz” Cajun Sausage and Butter Bean Stew
When I first started thinking about the Wheelie Good Meals concept I started uploading photographs of dishes I had cooked to twitter and instagram and tagged anyone in I could to get some inspiration, these people included Tesco, Asda and Schwartz. I struck gold with Schwartz because they liked the photos and were interested in […]