There are many people I’d like to thank for helping me get this concept off the ground, but here are the main ones.
Thanks must go to Jo Pratt for her continued support and friendship and to Masterchef Runner up Saira Hamilton for her help and support hopefully we’ll be cooking recipes from both ladies soon enough. Special thanks go to the following people:
- Greg for filming the videos for the youtube channel which is coming soon and for being a great sounding board.
- Hayleigh for proof reading, I need a lot of that.
- Dave for designing our logo.
- Chris for his technical support
- Alice for her research and being a good sounding board.
- And lastly my mother for being my guinea pig (oops I mean recipe tester)!
I hope you enjoy the Wheelie Good Meals concept, If you have any questions you’d like to ask about either myself or Wheelie Good Meals please feel free to drop us a line on Don’t forget you can find us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube, join us as we make Wheelie Good Meals!