As I’ve said in earlier posts my sister (Heather) is often the source for my inspiration when it comes to creating dishes. For Christmas Heather and her family bought me a packet of Ainsley Harriott’s Creamy Spelt. Now I didn’t know a lot about Spelt so I “googled it” (my sister loves to google so I thought she’d be impressed with this)! I’ll tell you more about Spelt again but for now the recipe. The title for this recipe is “Quick and Easy Mid Week Salmon and Creamy Spelt” because that’s what it is…. quick and easy and ideal for a mid week meal – the longest part of this process was cooking the salmon. You’ll see the ingredients and utensils above and the finished dish below, I tried to be chefy and present it in using a square I had bought for me. That was simply me being a bit fancy you don’t need to do that, but, they do say you eat with your eyes!
I’m a MASSIVE Ainsley Harriott fan and really miss the good old days of Ready Steady Cook, this is most certainly where I got my desire to cook from. It was an excellent show and one I think is missed…. but not by me because I watch re-runs on vide (sad I know)
I really enjoyed this dish and with Courgette Ribbons and Sacla Roasted Red Pepper Pesto it was definitely one I’d cook again and I’m also looking for other ways to use Spelt. Finally Ainsley, if you do read this thanks for fifteen great years and for introducing the nation to Percy Pepper and Sally Salt!

Click here for a full copy of the recipe. Get involved at Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Google+ and Pintrest, share your ideas, photos and recipes with us and watch our blog develop. If you have any questions you’d like to ask about either myself or the Wheelie Good Meals concept please feel free to drop us a line on enquiries@wheeliegoodmeals.co.uk. Come back again soon and, together, we’ll make more Wheelie Good Meals!
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[…] you like fish, why not try my Comforting Classics – Cheats Fish Pie or “Quick and Easy Mid Week Pan Fried Salmon and Creamy Spelt” If you’ve got any suggestions for Time-Saving Tuesdays or a recipe you would like me to cook, let […]